幸福套餐 NO.1?
01 你的綽號(Your nickname): Khen Or Ah Khen Or Yong Mek Mek
02 年齡(Age) : 19
03 生日(D.O.B) : 07/06/89
04 星座(Zodiac) : Gemini
05 興趣(Interest/Hobby) : Badminton, outings, hanging out with friends.
06 專長(Specialised in..) : Badminton.
幸福套餐 NO.2?
01 你有沒有喜歡的人(Do you have a crush?) : No.
02 是否在交往?(are you in a relationship now?) : No.
03 現在幸福嗎?(are you blessed and joyful now?) :Yes.
05 如果有天,你愛的人跟你告白的話?(if one day your crush told you that he/she loves you) : I'll don't know what to react at 1st. After that I think I will give a suitable reaction. =þ
幸福套餐 NO.3?
01 點你的人是(Who's the one pointed your name): Adeline Chang.
02 他是妳的(who is she/him) : A friend of mine.
03 他的個性?(What is his/her personality) : A person who always share her thoughts.
04 認識他多久? (How long have you know him/her): 5 or 6 years.
05 你覺得他怎樣?(What do you think about him/her) : A person who talks a lot.
06 你想對他說什麼(What do you want to tell him/her) : Merry Christmas!
幸福套餐 NO.4?
01 最愛的節目(fav program) : Reality show.
02 最愛的音樂(fav music) : No specific genre.
03 最愛的季節(fav season) : All 4 seasons (Autumn, Spring, Summer and Winter)
04 最愛的卡通(fav cartoon) : Alladin, The Lion King, Little Mermaid.
05 最愛的人(beloved one) : Families and friends.
06 最愛的顏色(fav colours) : Colours that make my skin look fair.
07 最愛的國家(fav countries) : Switzerland, France, Netherlands.
08 最愛的天氣(fav whether) : Sunshine with cloud.
幸福套餐 NO.5?
01 如果上天給你三個願望(If you will be granted 3 wishes, what are they):
a) My family and friends all in healthy and prosperous condition.
b) My loved one can stay happy always.
c) Do everything I could to make all the people around me smile and happy.
02 你是很專一的人嗎(are you loyalful?) : Yes.
03 最深刻的回憶?(What's your deepest memories) : I'll leave this answer for next time round. =þ
04 你是個很有信心的人嗎?(do you have confident with yourself?) : Yes.
05 你很愛微笑嗎(do you like to smile/laugh?) : Yes.
06 如果你要放棄你現在的生活,你願意嗎(are you willing to give up ur present life?) : Yes if the reason is reasonable for me. Then I'll do it.
07 妄想什麼樣的生活(What kind of life do you long for?) : Of course happy and colourful life.
08 是否橫刀奪愛才是愛 : Sorry, I don't know how to read chinese. So I'm not going to answer this question. =P
End Of Post.